Do you or someone you know need help with paying your bills or assistance? Dial 2-1-1 or visit the 2-1-1 site.

Families seeking services:
Call the Family Housing Hub at 2-1-1.
For singles seeking services:
Call the Brian Garcia Welcome Center at 602-229-5155 or one of the Coordinated Entry Points accessible to you.
Youth (ages 12-17) Seeking Services:
Call or text Safe Place – Teens can text “Safe” and their address to 44357 or call 602-841-5799. There are stationary Safe Place locations across the valley at QuikTrip convenience stores, libraries, fire departments, public transit stops, and local businesses.
For veterans seeking services:
Call the Community Resource and Referral Center at 602-248-6040.
SAFEDVS (Safe Access For Expedited Domestic Violence Services):
Call the hotline at 480-890-3039 or toll free at 844-723-3387. Chat with A New Leaf by clicking on the purple “Chat Live” button.